e-Government for Mining
e-Gov for Mining solutions improve stakeholder communications, provide access to cadastre info, and streamline licensing processes.

2017 Landfolio for Natural Resources User Conference Proceedings – Cape Town
Trimble Land Administration welcomed over 80 delegates from 18 countries to its Landfolio for Natural Resources User Conference held in Cape Town.

Commercial Agreement Management
Landfolio for natural resources provides a repository for the inventory and storage of contractual arrangements and the associated mineral licenses.

Managing Community Resettlement
Manage all aspects of the relocation and resettlement of communities whose land has been acquired with a single integrated solution.

Managing Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUA)
Landfolio helps resource companies to manage the complete ILUA process using Landfolio’s integrated contracts management functionality

Managing Damage Compensation Agreements
Landfolio manages all aspects of the damage compensation process for companies engaging in exploration and extractive activities.

Cote d’Ivoire to implement a modern Mining Cadastre System
Spatial Dimension has been contracted by the Ministry of Industry and Mines in Cote d'Ivoire to implement a modern mining cadastre system.

Managing Mining Tenure
Mining and Exploration companies turn to Landfolio to manage risk and ensure compliance in meeting the requirements and obligations.

Small-scale Mining Sector Management
Landfolio assists governments with managing small‑scale mining activities which typically occur outside regulatory legal and fiscal frameworks.

FlexiCadastre selected as Guinea’s new Mining Cadastre System
FlexiCadastre has been chosen as the new mining cadastre for the Republic of Guinea.

South Sudan goes live with new Mining Cadastre System and launches web portal
The Minister of Petroleum and Mining in South Sudan, the Hon. Stephen Dhieu Dau Ayik, officially launched South Sudan’s new Mining Cadastre System,

2014 FlexiCadastre User Conference Proceedings – Cape Town
2014 FlexiCadastre User Conference Proceedings - Cape Town

2013 FlexiCadastre Regional User Conference Proceedings – Lima
Proceedings for FlexiCadastre Regional User Conference held in Lima on 13 to 14 May 2013

2012 FlexiCadastre User Conference Proceedings – Cape Town
2012 FlexiCadastre User Conference Proceedings - Cape Town

Teck Resources reaches FlexiCadastre milestone
Spatial Dimension reached a key milestone with Teck Resources Limited after going live with FlexiCadastre to manage their mineral tenure and contracts

2011 FlexiCadastre User Conference Proceedings – Cape Town
Proceedings from 2011 FlexiCadastre User Conference in Cape Town, South Africa.

AngloGold Ashanti selects FlexiCadastre
AngloGold Ashanti Selects FlexiCadastre for Enterprise Mineral Rights Solution

Barrick Gold signs Global Agreement to implement FlexiCadastre
Barrick Gold has contracted Spatial Dimension to undertake a global roll-out of its FlexiCadastre mineral rights management solution.

Barrick Gold of North America selects FlexiCadastre
Barrick Gold of North America is to implement FlexiCadastre to replace its existing Land Information System.

Rio Tinto Exploration selects FlexiCadastre
Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration Limited selected FlexiCadastre for use throughout its Africa/Europe Exploration Region.

FlexiCadastre selected as Zambia’s new Mining Cadastre System
The Zambian Ministry of Mines will this year implement a computerised system for the management of mining licensing information. And...