Commercial Agreement Management
Landfolio for natural resources provides a repository for the inventory and storage of contractual arrangements and the associated mineral licenses.
Spatial Dimension Expands to Help Large Private Landowners with Lease Management
Spatial Dimension is excited to announce their irst deployment of the FlexiCadastre enterprise land and agreement management solution
Margie Winsel Boorda, Director, Corporate Land Management, Barrick Gold Corporation
Congratulations to the Spatial Dimension Team on your 10th Anniversary. You and the FlexiCadastre software have certainly enjoyed many changes...
Teck Resources reaches FlexiCadastre milestone
Spatial Dimension reached a key milestone with Teck Resources Limited after going live with FlexiCadastre to manage their mineral tenure and contracts
AngloGold Ashanti selects FlexiCadastre
AngloGold Ashanti Selects FlexiCadastre for Enterprise Mineral Rights Solution