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Cameroon adopts FlexiCadastre to drive mining sector governance and growth

Spatial Dimension is pleased to announce that Cameroon has become the twentieth country globally to adopt FlexiCadastre to improve governance and drive growth in their mining sector.


Cameroon recently went out on international tender for a modern mining cadastre system through the Mining Sector Capacity Building Project (Projet de Renforcement des Capacités dans le Secteur Minier or PRECASEM). The objectives of PRECASEM are to improve the efficiency and transparency of the management of the mining sector and to develop the frameworks for sustainable mining development in Cameroon.


Implemented through the Ministry Mines, Industries, and Technological Development (MINMIDT), PRECASEM is funded by the World Bank to a value of USD30 million. At the launch of PRECASEM, Dr. Fuh Calistus Gentry, Secretary of State for MINMIDT, underscored the importance of the project in “informing the world of our country’s enormous mining potential and the status of projects already under way, and attracting investors to finance new mining operations in areas that have yet to be explored.” “Cameroon has significant geological potential for iron ore, gold, bauxite, diamonds, limestone and nickel that, if well managed, could contribute to the country’s economic growth.


However, despite its geological wealth, mining does not yet play a significant role in Cameroon’s development, and the mining sector remains on the fringe of the economy. Together with our local partners, GIMS Cameroon, we look forward to assisting MINMIDT in their goal of creating a thriving, sustainable and responsible mining sector in the country,” said Mr Bill Feast, President of Spatial Dimension, a Trimble Company.


 *Trimble acquired Spatial Dimension on September 2, 2015. FlexiCadastre is now part of the Landfolio software suite.